The Council

The Potomac Council was established November 8, 1999 in response to needs identified by the six Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the Potomac River watershed working with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. It is composed of representatives from all six Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the Virginia portion of the middle and lower Potomac River watershed. It serves as collaborative body to promote and facilitate the best water quality management practices required to achieve nonpoint source pollution reductions in the waters of the Potomac River watershed. The Potomac Council created and supports the Potomac Watershed Roundtable.

The Potomac Council Soil and Water Conservation Districts

The Potomac Council is comprised of the six soil and water conservation districts in the Virginia portion of the middle and lower Potomac River watershed, shown on the map below. The colored areas are the portions that are within the area of the Potomac Watershed Roundtable.

> See the Potomac Council Charter and Bylaws

The Potomac Council Officers

Chair – Chuck Koch (TCCSWCD)
Vice Chair – Nancy Vehrs (PWSWCD)

Representatives and Alternates

The members of the Potomac Council comprise representatives from all six Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the Virginia portion of the middle and lower Potomac River watershed.

› John Marshall SWCD

Deirdre Clark

Kelsi Steele

> Loudoun SWCD

John Flannery
Marina Schumacher

> Northern Neck SWCD

Robert Pickett

Richard Wilkins

> Northern Virginia SWCD

Dana Barakat
Willie Woode

> Prince William SWCD

Nancy Vehrs

Will Lintner

> Tri-County/City SWCD

Chuck Koch

Daniel Goodale-Porter

About the Potomac Council

The Potomac Watershed Roundtable and Potomac Council receive funding from the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 117 Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), via grant contract number 16318.
Potomac Council Meeting Materials

For materials from past Potomac Council meetings, including agendas and minutes, please contact us.