Potomac Watershed Roundtable
John Marshall, Loudoun, Northern Neck, Northern Virginia, Prince William, Tri-County/City
Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Fauquier, Prince William, King George, Northumberland, Westmoreland
Leesburg, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, Manassas Park, Colonial Beach, Alexandria
Planning District Commission, Two Members of the Virginia General Assembly, Water & Wastewater Utilities, Environmental, Agriculture & Forestry, Fishing & Boating, Development, Construction & Real Estate, Waste Management & Recycling, Citizens of the Watershed
Dept. of Conservation and Recreation – Division of Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance
Dept. of Conservation and Recreation – Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
Dept. of Forestry
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Dept. of Health
Virginia Dept. of Transportation
USDA –Natural Resources Conservation Service
US Dept. of Interior
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
Information sharing is an important component of the Roundtable meetings. Members learn about local strategies and programs throughout the region that address water quality issues. At each Roundtable meeting, members are encouraged to bring to the table issues of local and regional importance.
The Roundtable was launched in the fall of 2000 by the six soil and water conservation districts in the region. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation provides funding and assistance. Ten state and federal agencies assist the Roundtable as non-voting members.
Robert Pickett, Chair (Northern Neck SWCD)
Woody Hynson, Vice Chair (Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors)
For a list of representatives and alternates from each member group, please contact us.
See the Potomac Roundtable bylaws.
2016 Letter to Delegates and Senators
2013 Position on Uranium Mining
2012 Letter to Delegates and Senators
2011 Letter to Delegates
2010 Letter to Delegates
2008 Letter to Delegates
2007 First Letter to Delegates
2007 Second Letter to Delegates
2006 Nine Principles for state support of an Urban BMP Cost-Share Program
The Potomac Watershed Roundtable is a regional government-citizen forum whose purpose is to promote collaboration and cooperation on environmental concerns, especially water quality issues, among the various local governments and stakeholder interest groups residing within the Virginia side of the middle and lower Potomac River watershed.